Midnight Flower Bouquet 


Midnight Flower Bouquet is made using Black and clear bicone swarovski crystal, silver wire, black lucite flowers and black ribbon, The beads are on the end of a cluster of spiraled wire, and the ribbon is wrapped round the stem and a bow that is placed at the top of the stem.

MIdnight Flower Bouquet can be make to order in different coloured flowers, coloured beads, coloured wire, coloured ribbon and in quantities, please contact me for details, quantity availablity, prices and delivery time scale.



    per bouquet    


                     Crystal Bouquet 


Crystal Bouquet is made using clear bicone swarovski cyrstal beads, silver wire, white organza and white ribbon. The wire is in a cluster with the beads on the end and spaced at random down the wire, the white ribbon is wrapped around the stem and the white organza is a medium bow placed at the top of the stem.

Crystal Bouquet can be made to order in different coloured beads, wire, ribbon and in quantities, please contact me for details, quantity availablity, prices and delivery time scale.



per bouquet 


                  Ruby Flower Posey 


Ruby Flower Bouquet is made using red and clear bicone swarovski crystal, silver wire, red acrylic flowers and red and white ribbon, The beads are on the end of a cluster of sprialed and stright peices of wire, and the ribbon is wrapped round the stem and has a bow that is placed at the top of the stem.

Ruby Flower Bouquet can be make to order in different coloured flowers, coloured beads, coloured wire, coloured ribbon and in quantities, please contact me for details, quantity availablity, prices and delivery time scale.



    per bouquet

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